Crestfallen after dearworthy Kaywin’s rejection of my advances, I decide to organise a meeting, as I want to teach my employees a lesson or two in heartbreakage avoidance. Unfortunately, it seems meetings in this game are only to talk about the main questlines:

So we talk, of this and that and yet else. In short, I learn my team more or less shares in my concerns, and are equally distrustful as I am of the Iron Cartel and the Travelers’ Mandate, while being mindfully aware of the latters’ potential use in our mirksome future. Here, the characters’ respective idiosyncrasies are once again clearly distinct, competently written and conveyed—so again kudos for that.
All in all, I’ve lost a modicum of trust due to a couple of my actions (mostly conniving with Iron Gregarion), but have gained a goodly bit of trust for most of my actions thus far.
Exiting the meeting room, multiple people call on me, amongst which Windress with a proposal:

I join her at the bar:

What follows is Windress getting pretty tipsy, ere long coming to question the origin of frogs and tadpoles while expressing disgust at their toes and mucous skin. Feeling a deviousness take hold of me, I press her to have drink after drink.

Foiled again, at least momentarily. For a brothel, it’s damned difficult to get laid in this place.
Natheless, I’m not mad in the least. I then learn a bit more of Windress’ personality, and her desire to expand the Guild’s influence, to better regulate the sex trade for increased safety. I sympathise; sex workers do have it hard.
But I’m curious about Amy Seagrave’s invitation to her penthouse in The Spire. Travelling quickly via the underrail I make my way to said Spire district; and indeed as the game had previously indicated do not there find Amy’s penthouse. So I leave for the overworld map, at which point I receive an alert:

I’ll have to reverse that if I somehow can. And this is promptly followed by a call from Dejah Mars, captain to the Stormbreakers, who explains she understands my looking after a closer connection with the powerful Iron Cartel, as my Guild might need all the help it can get; yet she cautions me against cosying closer still to Gregarion, lest I incur the wrath of the Cartel’s enemies.
Quickly now, to answer miss Seagrave’s invitation. Heavenward we go, higher perhaps than any other place in MoonFall; and there get a clearer sense of Amy’s truly immense influence and financial means:

A ghost tree indeed and, as Jasen tells me, most likely the only one in existence outside the Four-Mile Barrier inside which Lost Gushan is mysteriously disappeared.
We partake in drink and expensive-tasting foods served by the staff, before eventually concerning ourselvs with more serious matters:

Ensues a rather strange situation. In short: Amy holds for certain her stalker is very close nearby, and will try to break into her penthouse tonight. Ensnare him we will with a Secaritras Entanglement device, that Windress describes as a “questionnably legal boobytrap” bought to some expense by Amy. A frankly abrupt and steamy bathroom adventure later, the stalker has somehow been captured without any effort on my part. I have precisely no idea why we were needed.
But that whole affair begot good things.
Firstly, the stalker turned out to be heir to the Rinlar family, who I am given to understand deals in… condiments? And for a moment my team argues. Should we handle him to the law, or ransom him. Aside from Kaywin The Teasing Hoyden, all—including myself—seem in favor of ransoming him; thus via Windress’ contacts, me grow richer by a few thousand credits.
Secondly, I get some—and get it good. Forget Kaywin, She Who Only Likes Dick; and for the future only, Windress Who Might Let Me. The moment is now, with Amy who, as it turns out, is a big ol’ slut.

Yup. Yup yup yup.
Her thing, as she herself explains, is to be tied and left at someone’s mercy. Installed in her penthouse is a complex system of smart, voice-activated ropes that slither their way out of walls and ceiling, the better to bind her in true shibari or kinbaku style.
After approximately zero foreplay other than a brief explanation of the ropes’ workings, we get at it. And ultimately, displaying immense enthusiasm to the task, as if her pussy was a lambative for my ailment, I bring her to a higher summit than even that of her cloud-capt penthouse:

Oh hey Kaywin! What do you mean, “my breath smells familiar?”
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