Hope you guys aren’t getting tired of Dejah, because here she is some more, continuing from before:

Then, she’s alerted to the fact the other syndicates are already talking about ramping up their efforts against the Iron Cartel. The Accords forfend any open war, under menace of the Traveler’s Mandate involving itself in the matter; but bickering and sabotage—the next best things to a war—evidently fall within the rules.
I ask her why exactly would the Traveler’s Mandate intervene to prevent all-out war between syndicates. Her answer only manages to thicken the mist, sufficiently for me to doubt even of what little I presently think true, as she claims MoonFall’s syndicates are not what they seem, not at all.
Preventively she warns me that what she is about to reveal, I cannot in turn spread around me, lest I inflict irremediable damage to our relationship. Though I suppose this circle of secrecy can be extended to include Diana, Zafra, and the others.

Egad! an invasion. But honestly I’m not surprised, as it seemed plain such an event must be in MoonFall’s imminent future.
For the laglasts of the class: while the Stormbreakers present themselves as a private military-cum-security contractor, they are widely considered as an officious extension of the Bren-Thulian Imperium’s mighty reach; and in fact the Stormbreakers—who for their vastest part are Imperials—too readily refuse to be hired in any conflict would see them face the Imperium’s official forces, going so far as to break contracts if need be.
Dejah furthers her explanations, telling me it is no coincidence the fledgling powers of MoonFall unceasingly quarrel with one another, preventing any of them from reaching greater heights. Indeed, for years have the Stormbreakers disrupted or outright sabotaged every attempt at power consolidation in MoonFall.
Would that the decision be hers and hers alone, Dejah would delay the invasion a short while longer; but the brass are breathing bull-like down her neck, as she plainly puts it. Three main obstacles remain somewhat staunchly in the Imperium’s domineering way: Commissioner Jolene Bell of the Constabulary; judge Hawke Denton; and colonel Sawzi Hachij. Gone, the invasion would ressemble less an invasion proper and more a welcoming parade, owing the great popularity of the Stormbreakers in MoonFall (this being consectary to the decisive help they provided during the Crasher Crisis).
Ere long the Commissioner will celebrate her thirtieth year on the force. Tradition has it a truly bacchanalian revelry must be on the program and, well, where oh where might Dejah be going with this, for the life of me I’ve not the faintest inkling.

Oh that’s right, I co-operate a brothel! I’ll need to refill the vats of lube.

I’m glad I allied with Dejah over that misproud Iron Gregarion. Though of course Dejah is imperfect; her goals are noble enough, but rose-hued by a mixture of idealism and naïveté I’m surprised seems unmuddied by the realities of her work. Or, and that is a possibility however doubtful, the mainland truly is a world whose very stuff is wholly different from that of MoonFall’s, and Dejah’s optimism is warranted.
I guess we will see soon enough.
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