Back to the brothel for some well-deserved sleeps and much-required ponderings, Isutyr tells me she has some free time, should I wish to bond. Bond? Wide go my eyes upon hearing that; what exactly does she mean? And since when does Isutyr the Goada Naren of noblest haveage wants to spend time with me, a lowly human?
Intrigued, I meet her in the upstairs hallway she—for some reason—so frequently haunts. And am wholly taken aback when she formally apologies for having acted so curtly since first we met. “Are other acts of apology required?” she then asks, in earnest. Devious buer that I am, my mind ever a-swirl with pink vapors, I plaster a moue of disappointment on my face and ask her the very vague, “What else do you have?”
Despite she answers with a seemingly definitive, “Nothing sexual in nature, if that is what you are expecting,” mere instants later I unexpectedly face this line of questioning:

‘Copulate’. How clinical. How well it goes, with the white gloves.
I assure her it is. At least clean enough for Kore, Windress, and Dejah.

Yes, she certainly has a unique way to be at once forthcoming and unimpassioned. But as I briefly consider the possibility of calling it a night there and then, the matter of my fleeting indecision is solved when:

Queenly in stature, queenly in attitude. And spreading her legs, she invites me wordlessly.

(since Tyranicon is an incompetent nincompoop there’s a conflict between some artworks’ resolution and the internal resolution of the game, thus the in-game gallery rarely allows to see the artworks properly; so I went digging in the game files to find what I wanted)

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